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Wet Sounds 3.jpeg

get fizzed up!

Repetitions load new habits!

just get shit done!

"it is, what it is!"

 Focus - more sleep


- Being rundown and not realising
- Wellbeing - Negative effect on getting shit done
- You will procrastinate less and get shit done

 Focus - prioritise big picture


- Because WetSounds needs my attention
- It makes overcoming procrastination easier
- You are always moving in the right direction

 Focus - play with procrastination


- When I actually do it, I no longer have to think about!
- I've never regretted getting it done right away
- When things pop up there isn't a stack of unfinished work to do

the big picture!

download video

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(Make these whatever you want)

effortless progress
Screen Shot 2023-02-02 at 1.34.43 PM.png
feeling energetic
less stress
enjoy the process

why it will work!

personality test ($35 on their site)

This is the tits for some fast easy hacks into how you like to think already.

Overthinking can fuck off and here is Chat GPT's explanation of what this process does...


The science behind using overthinking as a trigger to think better thoughts and gain more energy involves the brain's neuroplasticity and the process of forming new habits.

When you overthink, your brain tends to focus on negative thoughts, which can lead to stress and anxiety. By intentionally redirecting your thoughts to something more positive, you can counteract those negative emotions. This practice engages neuroplasticity, which is the brain's ability to reorganise and form new connections in response to experience.


As you consistently replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you start to form a new habit. The more you practice this habit, the stronger the neural connections in your brain become, making it easier and more automatic over time.


As this positive thinking habit snowballs, you may experience an increase in energy levels. This is because positive emotions are often linked to higher energy, while negative emotions can be draining. By training your brain to focus on the positive, you can potentially create an upward spiral of energy and well-being.

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