stocky's mind hacker
my hard time video
5min of fizz
2min of fizz
Goal time!
be good person, Husband, and father.
win d1 championship
better board rider
slapa, da bass!
Live like king and pass it on!
6min of fizz - Let me know the highlights
A success Story - Mould it into anything
You're analytical by nature and now have the ultimate logical loop to throw when you trigger your attention and choose a different perspective. You know how our mind maps evolve, everything is energy! Every action and every thought! No matter what you do or where you go, you'll be able to apply this logic and find packets of energy that weren't previously available before.
Smash all your goals with ease by looping the thoughts that get you closer to the results you want. If you aren't making progress, make easier loops with smaller actions. 1%+1%+1%+1%+1%+1%+1%+1%+1%......
Into infinity and onto your final goal of leaving an even better legacy for the generation that follows you!
Game on brah! Can't wait to hear your insights once you put your mind on this idea!
There is no reason you can't be everything you envision, plus more!
chat gpt hack - Some cool insights
I know you probably know all of this about yourself, I just think its cool to know that, what feels normal to you, is actually unique and a talent you can to lean into!
Here are a few tips to help you combine your top 5 Gallup strengths to achieve your big dream goals:
1. Use your Analytical strength to break down your big dream goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. This will help you approach your goals in a systematic and logical way.
2. Your Restorative strength can help you overcome obstacles and challenges that come your way. Use this strength to problem-solve and find solutions to any roadblocks you encounter.
3. Your Communication strength can help you effectively communicate your ideas and goals to others. Use this strength to inspire and motivate those around you to support and join you in achieving your big dream goals.
4. Connectedness is about finding meaning and purpose in the world around you. Use this strength to connect with others who share your values and vision, and to find opportunities to contribute to causes that align with your goals.
5. Your Learner strength can help you continuously grow and develop new skills and knowledge to support your big dream goals. Embrace opportunities to learn from others and from your experiences.
Overall, combining your strengths in a deliberate and intentional way can help you achieve your big dream goals. Remember to stay focused, persistent, and adaptable, and to leverage your strengths to overcome any challenges you encounter along the way.